Editors: Marta Figlerowicz (Yale University) and Kent Puckett (University of California, Berkeley)
Submissions and Inquiries:
Narrative is the official journal of International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. Within those parameters, the journal is open to work on the elements, techniques, structures, and forms of narrative as well as on its relations to other modes of discourse, its history, and its powers (and limits) in cultures past and present. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media, and, thus, it welcomes submissions on the theory and interpretation of the novel, the short story, narrative poetry, history, biography, autobiography, memoir, film, television, journalism, comics and other graphic arts, music, performance, legal writing, medical case histories, and more.
Narrative appears three times a year, in January, May, and October.
History of Narrative
As a result of the close relationship between the Ohio State University and SSNL that had developed over the years, it seemed natural to approach OSU Press with a proposal for a new journal. George Perkins wrote a prospectus for Narrative, James Phelan was persuaded to assume the editorship, and the press accepted the proposal. At the 1991 MLA meeting in San Francisco, Narrative was designated as SSNL's official journal, replacing JNT. An announcement and call for contributions was issued in the SSNL Newsletter for February 1992, with the first issue to appear in 1993. George Perkins and Barbara Perkins accepted positions as Associate Editors, and the new journal began seeking scholars to form an Advisory Board.
The success of Narrative was immediate. The inaugural issue, January 1993, boasted an Advisory Board of 24 major scholars in narrative and included contributions by Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Cromley, Susan Stanford Friedman, Elaine Showalter, Ramon Saldivar, Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse, Seymour Chatman, Gerald Graff, Ralph W. Rader, and Michael McKeon. In a difficult time for new journals, it quickly sold out. In December 1993 the Council of Editors of Learned Journals presented Narrative with its award for best new journal. Comments from the letter of congratulations included: "First-class presentation and design. Authors and Articles are all top-drawer. This journal has it all: significant subject matter . . . fascinating articles . . . distinguished advisory board; will have a significant impact."
Over the years, Narrative has become not only the most important outlet for work in narrative studies but it has risen to be one of the most-cited journals in Google scholar’s general category of “literature and writing,” often ranking #1 in their tracking of citation rates. After serving as editor of Narrative since its inception in 1993, James Phelan, Distinguished University Professor of English at Ohio State University, stepped down in 2024. Phelan was succeeded by Marta Figlerowicz, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Yale University, and Kent Puckett, English Professor at UC Berkeley.