Mission and Code of Ethics
A Living Document
The International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN) is a non-profit scholarly organization dedicated to the advancement of research about narratives and narrative theory. It seeks to foster diverse, equitable, sustainable research and research practices among academics, professionals, and independent scholars from around the world. For this purpose, the ISSN provides a range of theoretical, physical, and virtual spaces and platforms that enable and enhance collaboration and knowledge dissemination among a broad range of disciplines and backgrounds.
Narrative itself is grounded in myriad relations among fictional and non-fictional actors, events, and the temporal, spatial, and other contexts in which those events unfold; thus, it is concerned with connections of all kinds—social, political, environmental, and more. We believe that collegiality forms the basis for productive scholarship and that it in turn promotes the open-mindedness and critical perspective taking that leads to progress in teaching and scholarship. The pursuit of collegiality should never be allowed to stifle the ability of ISSN members to ask difficult questions that may at times make others uncomfortable. We ask only that those questions be offered in a constructive spirit.
Our collegiality does not inhibit, but rather enables and cultivates scrutiny of one another’s contributions, thus engendering rich, responsible, and equitable research. At the same time, we are committed to acknowledging an array of contributions and approaching one another’s work with respect and with an absence of malice or aggression. The Society’s leadership is charged with steadfastly protecting this culture of rigor and respect.
Everyone who offers collegial, constructive contributions to discourse on narrative—whether to interpret individual narratives, to challenge or develop existing narratological concepts, to share new ideas and approaches, to introduce novel deployments of narrative theory, or a range of other possible avenues for narrative inquiry—has a welcome voice in our community. It is important to us that every space in and through which we develop and share ideas is welcoming and accessible to all members. Thus, for instance, we encourage inclusive practices such as using the pronouns individuals share and nonbinary rather than gendered language, and advance initiatives such as the Graduate Student and Contingent Faculty Caucus to support established and emerging scholars from an array of backgrounds and disciplines. Additionally, we work to ensure that the physical and virtual forums we provide are accessible to everyone, mitigating challenges associated with, for instance, neurodiversity, physical disability, and financing. These efforts are ongoing, and we continue to enhance them with technological advancements and financial resources.
The ISSN is dedicated to the study of narrative as a transmedial and transcultural phenomenon, and we are dedicated to supporting diversity both in the spread of topics we address and in our membership. Diversity for us is multi-faceted and intersectional, and includes race, ethnicity, sex/gender, sexual orientation, neurology, disability, nationality, language, economic status, age, career level, and other aspects of identity. We also recognize the need to continue expanding the scope of narrative theory and that such growth will happen precisely because we welcome scholars with diverse experiences and theoretical approaches. Thus, we work to enhance diversity within the Society, inviting and supporting diverse scholars to take on leadership positions and to participate in panels, workshops, publications, and more. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee works to promote this effort by identifying tangible areas for improvement and offering concrete suggestions.
We understand social justice as a community-based and self-reflexive set of practices committed to addressing inequities, biases, and oppressive discrimination in order to build more inclusive and empowering futures for all. The ISSN is committed to implementing structures, policies, and programs to further this ongoing effort; thus, for instance, our social justice initiative, Narrative for Social Justice (N4SJ) works to ensure that ISSN is a welcoming and inclusive community that supports diverse scholars and their perspectives, and we look forward to working with ISSN members current and future on more social justice projects.
Respect for our fellow human beings both within and beyond our membership is paramount to the ISSN, and this applies not only to their ideas, but also to their bodies. We strongly condemn physical or verbal aggression, including sexual aggression. Indeed, harassment of any kind against any person is prohibited within the ISSN. More broadly, we consciously work to diminish and reflect upon implicit and explicit biases, and we condemn bias pertaining to race, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, class, institution, rank, or age.
To ensure that the respectful behavior described in our Code of Ethics is exhibited by our membership, we have an Ombudsperson in place. The purpose of this role is to support anyone who feels the letter or the spirit of the Code of Ethics has been breached by one of our members. Should anyone who participates in an ISSN activity feel as though they have suffered mistreatment, harassment, or aggression of any kind on any of our digital platforms or at an in-person conference or meeting, we strongly encourage them to reach out directly to Dr. Patricia Faison Hewlin at patricia.hewlin@mcgill.ca. An impartial Ombudsperson who is not otherwise affiliated with the ISSN, Dr. Hewlin is in place to support our members as they determine how best to move forward. An ombuds can help with a number of possible avenues for supporting the member who seeks their support. For instance, the Ombuds can anonymously report an issue to the Executive Council, facilitate a conversation with relevant members of the ISSN Executive Council if the person is seeking further action, facilitate a dialogue with relevant members of the ISSN, or other actions in accordance with what a member wants to do. If a member decides not to proceed with any action and to not disclose their issue or experience beyond the Ombuds, then the Ombuds will maintain strict confidentiality and not share the issue with anyone else.
In order to maintain confidentially and impartiality, we urge those who seek support to go exclusively to the Ombudsperson with their concern rather than to another member of the ISSN. Along these lines, if you as a member of the ISSN receive information regarding an incident involving other members of the ISSN, please encourage the alleged victim to go only to the Ombudsperson so as to maintain confidentiality. To be sure, everything that transpires between the Ombudsperson and the member who raises the concern is treated with the strictest confidence. Moreover, the ISSN has a non-disclosure agreement to be signed by all persons involved in any incidents brought to the Ombuds.
The ISSN is committed to ensuring that all institutional activities are as sustainable as possible. The Sustainability Committee seeks to identify practices that do as little harm to the earth as possible by reducing carbon emissions and the exploitation of natural resources. The long-term goal of the Committee is not just to reduce carbon emission, but to make the Society and all of its activities entirely carbon-neutral—“net-zero.” Moreover, we take a Climate Justice approach to our sustainability initiatives. This commitment means that we address the systemic issues of climate change, which acknowledges that the people who historically have been oppressed, including Indigenous Peoples, racialized people, and those in the Global South, bear the greatest consequences of climate change while contributing the least to it. Thus, we take it as our responsibility to ensure that the interests and voices of these communities are prioritized within our sustainability initiatives, and within the ISSN more broadly.
The sharing of knowledge within and beyond our membership is essential for the ISSN’s mission to be realized. The three primary resources the ISSN provides for collaboration and research dissemination are its peer-reviewed scholarly journal (Narrative), its Annual Conference on Narrative (virtual and physical locations), and its website (thenarrativesociety.org). Additionally, we employ social media outlets, as well as an ISSN listserv, to share information regarding resources and upcoming events on social justice initiatives, sustainability initiatives, pedagogical practices, graduate-student resources, emerging scholar resources, narrative theory and practice implementation, and job postings. ISSN welcomes contributions through these outlets on the theory and interpretation of the novel, the short story, narrative poetry, history, biography, autobiography, memoir, film, television, journalism, comics and other graphic arts, music, performance, legal writing, medical case histories, and narratives and narrative theory in general.
ISSN Ombudsperson
To ensure that the respectful behavior described in our Code of Ethics is exhibited by our membership, we have an Ombudsperson in place. The purpose of this role is to support anyone who feels the letter or the spirit of the Code of Ethics has been breached by one of our members. Should anyone who participates in an ISSN activity feel as though they have suffered mistreatment, harassment, or aggression of any kind on any of our digital platforms or at an in-person conference or meeting, we strongly encourage them to reach out directly to Dr. Patricia Faison Hewlin at pfh2118@tc.columbia.edu. An impartial Ombudsperson who is not otherwise affiliated with the ISSN, Dr. Hewlin is in place to support our members as they determine how best to move forward. An ombuds can help with a number of possible avenues for supporting the member who seeks their support. For instance, the Ombuds can anonymously report an issue to the Executive Council, facilitate a conversation with relevant members of the ISSN Executive Council if the person is seeking further action, facilitate a dialogue with relevant members of the ISSN, or other actions in accordance with what a member wants to do. If a member decides not to proceed with any action and to not disclose their issue or experience beyond the Ombuds, then the Ombuds will maintain strict confidentiality and not share the issue with anyone else.
In order to maintain confidentially and impartiality, we urge those who seek support to go exclusively to the Ombudsperson with their concern rather than to another member of the ISSN. Along these lines, if you as a member of the ISSN receive information regarding an incident involving other members of the ISSN, please encourage the alleged victim to go only to the Ombudsperson so as to maintain confidentiality. To be sure, everything that transpires between the Ombudsperson and the member who raises the concern is treated with the strictest confidence. Moreover, the ISSN has a non-disclosure agreement to be signed by all persons involved in any incidents brought to the Ombuds.