Past Conferences
Annual Conferences
From the beginning, the annual International Conference on Narrative has served as an important focus of ISSN activities. Each conference has been a collaboration between ISSN and one or more host institutions. Participation has been open to everyone, with ISSN members registering for each conference at a preferred rate, and non-members registering at a rate that includes membership in the ISSN for the coming year. The business meeting held at each conference has served as a major forum for discussion of policies and practices within the society, dissemination of news related to elections and committees, and introduction and ratification of changes.
Below is a list of past conferences, with coordinators and major speakers. The first conference was held at The Ohio State University in 1986, and in subsequent years, the meeting has been held at sites across the United States, Canada, and Europe. At each conference, approximately 350 speakers address issues of narrative from a variety of positions and perspectives.
In recent years, the ISSN has been thrilled to be able to begin hosting hybrid conferences that blend in-person and virtual presentations and activities, furthering the international reach and accessibility of the society.
Past Conferences
Virtual, May 19-23, 2021
Coordinators: Lindsay Holmgren, Erin James, and Sue J. Kim
Keynote Speaker: Karla FC Holloway
New Orleans, March 5-7, 2020
Sponsored by Mississippi State University
Coordinators: Kelly Marsh and Dan Punday
Major Speakers: Jussi Parikka and Daphne Brooks
Pamplona, Spain, May 30-June 1, 2019
Sponsored by University of Navarra
Coordinators: Rocio G. Davis and Rosalia Baena
Major Speakers: Rebecca Garden and Julie Rak
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-22, 2018
Sponsored by McGill University
Coordinator: Lindsay Holmgren
Major Speakers: Ato Quayson, Xavier Dolan, Sheri Fink
Lexington, Kentucky, March 23-26, 2017
Sponsored by The University of Kentucky English Department, The University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences
Coordinators: Alan Nadel and Eddie Maloney
Major Speakers: Judith Butler, Kenneth Warren, Linda Williams
Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 16-18, 2016
Sponsored by Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Amsterdan School of Historical Studies, The Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL)
Coordinators: Tara MacDonald and Dan Hassler-Forest
Major Speakers: Espen Aarseth, Clare Hemmings, Roberta Pearson
Chicago, Illinois, March 5-8, 2015
Sponsored by Northwestern University, The University of Chicago, The University of Illinois at Chicago, and Purdue University Calumet
Coordinator: Daniel Punday
Major Speakers: John Brenkman, Caitlin Fisher, Thomas Pavel
Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 27-30, 2014
Sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Coordinators: Sue J. Kim and James Buzard
Major Speakers: Leslie Bow, Ruth Perry, Priscilla Wald
Manchester, United Kingdom, June 27-29, 2013
Sponsored by Manchester Metropolitan University
Coordinators: Paul Wake and Ginette Carpenter
Major Speakers: Catherine Belsey, Diane Negra, Nicholas Royle
Las Vegas, Nevada, March 15-17, 2012
Sponsored by the Executive Board of the ISSN
Coordinators: Edward Maloney, Alan Nadel, James Phelan, and Robyn Warhol
Major Speakers: Vanessa Schwartz, Steven Mailloux, and Ramon Saldivar
St. Louis, MO, April 7-10, 2011
Sponsored by Washington University, St. Louis
Coordinators: Emma Kafalenos and Erin McGlothlin
Major Speakers: Patrick Colm Hogan, Janet H. Murray, Michael Rothberg
Cleveland, OH, April 8-11, 2010
Sponsored by Case Western Reserve University
Coordinator: Kurt Koenigsberger
Major Speakers: Susan Stanford Friedman, Rita Charon, Greil Marcus
Birmingham, UK, June 4-6, 2009
Sponsored by The University of Birmingham
Coordinator: Anna Burrells
Major Speakers: David Lodge, Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit, Frances Smith Foster
Austin, TX, May 1-4, 2008
Sponsored by University of Texas at Austin
Coordinator: Adam Zachary Newton and Coleman Hutchison
Major Speakers: Scott McCloud, Marianne Hirsch, Frederick Luis Aldama
Washington, DC, March 15-18, 2007
Sponsored by Georgetown University
Coordinator: Edward Maloney
Major Speakers: Robert Thompson, Michael Toolan, Johanna Drucker
Attendance: 425
Ottawa, Canada, April 6-9, 2006
Sponsored by Carleton University
Coordinator: Priscilla L. Walton
Major Speakers: Janice Radway, Rinaldo Walcott, Antoine Grumbach
Louisville, Kentucky, April 7-10, 2005
Sponsored by the University of Louisville
Directors: Beth A. Boehm and Debra Journet
Assistant Directors: Sonya Borton and Stephanie K. Fleischer
Major Speakers: Terry Castle, Wai Chee Dimock, Kathryn Montgomery, Barbara Stafford
Burlington, Vermont, April 22-25, 2004
Sponsored by the University of Vermont and Middlebury College
Coordinator: Robyn R. Warhol
Major Speakers: Jane Gallop and Peggy Phelan
Berkeley, California, March 27-29, 2003
Sponsored by University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Davis
Coordinators: Dorothy J. Hale, Catherine Robson, and Seymour Chatman
Major Speakers: Jonathan Culler, Mary Poovey, and Elaine Scarry
East Lansing, Michigan, April 11-14, 2002
Sponsored by Michigan State University
Coordinator: Judith Stoddart and Sheila Tehan
Major Speakers: Joan Copjec, William H. Gass, Rosalind Krauss, and Garrett Stewart
Houston, Texas, March 8-10, 2001
Sponsored by Rice University
Coordinator: Helena Michie
Major Speakers: Barbara Johnson, Franco Moretti, Jose David Saldivar, and Richard Shusterman
Atlanta, Georgia, April 6-9, 2000
Sponsored by Emory University and The Georgia Institute of Technology
Coordinators: Deepika Bahri and Carol Colatrella
Major Speakers: Johannes Fabian, Sander Gilman, Katherine Hayles, Deborah McDowell, and David Morris
Hanover, New Hampshire, April 29 - May 2, 1999
Sponsored by Dartmouth College. Co-sponsored by the University of Vermont
Coordinator: Donald Pease
Major Speakers: Elizabeth Bronfen, Cathy Caruth, David Roediger, Antonio Benitez-Rojo, and Robyn Wiegman
Evanston, Illinois, April 2-5, 1998
Sponsored by Northwestern University
Coordinators: Michal Ginsburg and Jules Law
Major Speakers: Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, Carol Clover, Assia Djebar, Michael Rogin, and Valerie Smith
Attendance: 400
Gainesville, Florida, April 3-6, 1997
Sponsored by the University of Florida Department of English
Coordinators: Elizabeth Langland and Phillip E. Wegner
Major Speakers: Nancy Armstrong, Rey Chow, and Lee Edelman
Attendance: 400
Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28, 1996
Sponsored by the Ohio State University Department of English
Coordinators: Rick Livingston and James Phelan
Associate Coordinator: Elizabeth Preston
Major Speakers: Wayne Booth, Ross Chambers, Barbara Christian, Susan McClary, Nancy K. Miller, Brook Thomas
Attendance: 400
Park City, Utah, April 20-23, 1995
Sponsored by the University of Utah Department of English, Department of Languages, Humanities Center, and College of Law
Coordinators: Karen Lawrence, Barry Weller, Robert Caserio
Major Speakers: Christine Brooke-Rose, Catherine Gallagher, Walter Benn Michaels, Kendall Thomas
Attendance: 400
Vancouver, British Columbia, April, 1994
Sponsored by the Department of English, Simon Fraser University
Coordinator: Paul Matthew St. Pierre
Major Speakers: Linda Hutcheon, Basil S. Johnston, Gerald Prince, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Susan Rubin Suleiman, Miriam Tlali
Attendance: 400-420
Albany, New York, April 1-4, 1993
Sponsored by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Co-sponsors: Siena College and Russell Sage College
Affiliates: Skidmore College, Union College, The College of St. Rose, The State University of New York-Albany
Coordinator: Alan Nadel
Major speakers: Houston Baker, Jr., Don Bialostosky, Thomas LaQueur, Carolyn Merchant, Tania Modleski
Attendance: 350-375
Nashville, Tennessee, April 10-12, 1992
Sponsored by the Department of English and the Women's Studies Program, Vanderbilt University
Coordinator: Jay Clayton
Program Committee: Vereen Bell, Mark Schoenfield, Valerie Traub, Nancy Walker
Major Speakers: Mieke Bal, Norman Bryson, Dominick LaCapra, Renato Rosaldo, Hortense Spillers
Attendance: 300-325
Nice, France, June 12-14, 1991
Sponsored by the Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Coordinator: Jacqueline Berben-Masi
Program Committee: Daniel Bilous, Nicole Bilous, Sarah Flanagan Gordon, Armand Hage
Major speakers: Ann Banfield, Daniel Bilous, Nikolai N. Bolkhovitinov, J. M. Coetzee, Jeanne Colleran, Maurice Couturier, Anne Fuchs, Philippe Hamon, Abiola Irele, Brian Macaskill, Jean Ricardou, David Suchoff
Attendance: 250-275
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 5-7, 1990
Sponsored by the English Department, Tulane University
Coordinator: Michael Boardman
ProgramChair: Janice Carlisle
Program Committee: Christine Froula, Molly Rothenberg, Daniel R. Schwarz, Teresa Toulouse
Major speakers: Jonathan Arac, Nina Auerbach, Susan Jeffords, John Carlos Rowe (and a paper by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., who was unable to attend)
Attendance: 275-300
Madison, Wisconsin, April 6-8, 1989
Sponsored by the English Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Coordinator: Susan Stanford Friedman
Program Committee: Jay Clayton, A. N. Doane, Nellie McKay, Eric Rothstein
Major speakers: Arthur Danto, D. A. Miller, Nancy K. Miller, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Cornel West
Attendance: 275-300
Columbus, Ohio, April 8-10, 1988
Sponsored by Ohio State University, with support from Eastern Michigan University and the University of Michigan
Coordinator: James Phelan
Associate Coordinators: Barbara Perkins, George Perkins, Jamie Barlowe Kayes
Major speakers: Peter Brooks, Ross Chambers, Dorrit Cohn, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan
Attendance: 275-300
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, Michigan, April 2-4, 1987
Sponsored by Eastern Michigan University, The University of Michigan, and The Ohio State University
Coordinator: Barbara Perkins. Associate Coordinators: Sheridan Baker, Ira Konigsberg, George Perkins, James Phelan
Major speakers: John F. Burrows, Stanley Fish, Sandra Gilbert, Susan Gubar, A. J. Hassall, Ralph W. Rader, Daniel R. Schwarz
Attendance: approximately 275
Columbus, Ohio, April 10-12, 1986
Sponsored by The Ohio State University
Coordinator: James Phelan
Major speakers: Wayne Booth, Seymour Chatman, Teresa de Lauretis, Terry Eagleton, Shoshana Felman, J. Hillis Miller
Attendance: approximately 225